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P. Gibbs, Some rational Diophantine
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B. Jadrijevic and V. Ziegler,
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A. Laoudi, 2-rang du groupe des classes et courbes elliptiques,
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T. N. Shorey, Diophantine approximations, Diophantine equations,
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V. Ziegler, On a certain family of quartic Thue equations with three parameters,
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M. Cipu and M. Mignotte,
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C. Fuchs, B. Jadrijevic,
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Y. Fujita, The extensibility of D(-1)-triples {1, b, c},
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K. Gyarmati and C. L. Stewart, On powers in
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F. Luca and T. N. Shorey, Diophantine equations with products of consecutive terms in Lucas sequences. II.
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F. Luca and L. Szalay, Fibonacci Diophantine triples,
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S. Maitra, S. Sarkar,
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A. Pethö and V. Zielger, Arithmetic progressions on Pell equations,
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A. Bodin, P. Debes and S. Najib, Indecomposable polynomials and their spectrum,
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Y. Fujita, Any Diophantine quintuple contains
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B. He, A remark on the Diophantine equation
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B. He, B. Jadrijevic and A. Togbe, Solutions of a class of quartic Thue inequalities,
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B. He and A. Togbe,
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B. Jadrijevic, Establishing the minimal index in a parametric family of bicyclic
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A. Berczes, L. Hajdu and A. Petho, Arithmetic progressions in the solution sets of norm
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Y. Fujita, The number of Diophantine quintuples, Glas. Mat. Ser. III45 (2010), 15-29.
P. Gibbs, Adjugates of Diophantine Quadruples, Integers10 (2010), 201-209.
B. He, A. Togbe and M. Ulas,
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F. Najman, Compact representation of quadratic integers and integer
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A. Filipin and Y. Fujita, The D(-k2)-triple
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Y. Fujita and N. Terai,
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B. He, O. Kihel, A. Togbe,
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B. He and A. Togbe,
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A. Jurasic, Diophantine m-tuples for quadratic polynomials,
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F. Luca and R. Oyono,
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A. Bodin, G. Cheze and P. Debes, Specializations of indecomposable polynomials,
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N. C. Bonciocat, M. Cipu and M. Mignotte,
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N. Budarina and D. Dickinson, Simultaneous Diophantine approximation in two metrics and the distance
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N. Budarina and H. O'Donnell, On a problem of Nesterenko: When is the closest root of a polynomial a real number?,
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A. Filipin, Y. Fujita and M. Mignotte, The non-extendibility of some parametric families of D(-1)-triples,
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A. Filipin, B. He and A. Togbe, On a family of two-parametric D(4)-triples,
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I. Gusic and P. Tadic, A remark on the injectivity of the specialization homomorphism,
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B. He and A. Togbe, On a family of Diophantine triples
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M. Jukic Bokun, Elliptic curves over quadratic fields with fixed torsion subgroup and positive rank,
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Lj. Jukic Matic, Non-existence of certain Diophantine quadruples in rings of integers of pure cubic fields,
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A. Pinter and V. Ziegler, On arithmetic progressions in recurrences - A new characterization
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P. Tadic, On the family of elliptic curves Y2=X3-T2X+1,
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J. Yuan, N. Budarina and D. Dickinson, On the number of polynomials with small discriminants
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Lj. Bacic and A. Filipin, On the family of D(4)-triples
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A. Berczes and V. Ziegler, On geometric progressions on Pell equations and Lucas sequence,
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J. J. Bravo and F. Luca, On a conjecture about repdigits in k-generalized Fibonacci sequences,
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J. J. Bravo and F. Luca, Coincidences in generalized Fibonacci sequences,
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N. V. Budarina and F. Goetze, Distance between conjugate algebraic numbers in clusters,
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A. Dubickas, Polynomial root separation in terms of the Remak height,
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A. Filipin and Y. Fujita, The number of Diophantine quintuples II,
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Y. Fujita and N. Terai, Generators and integer points on the elliptic curve
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B. He, I. Pink, A. Pinter and A. Togbe,
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D. Kim, Y. K. Park and A. Pinter, A Diophantine problem concerningf polygonal numbers,
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D. Marques and A. Togbe, Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form
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K. R. Matthews, J. P. Robertson and J. White,
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V. Petricevic, Householder's approximants and continued fraction expansion of quadratic irrationals,
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L. Reinholz, B. K. Spearman and Q. Yang, Families of non-congruent numbers with arbitrarily many prime factors,
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L. Szalay and V. Ziegler, On an S-unit variant of Diophantine m-tuples,
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J. J. Bravo and F. Luca, Repdigits in k-Lucas sequences,
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A. Dubickas, When should a polynomial's root nearest to a real number be real itself?
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C. Elsholtz, A. Filipin and Y. Fujita, On Diophantine quintuples and D(-1)-quadruples,
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A. Filipin, Y. Fujita and A. Togbe, The extendibility of diophantine pairs I: the general case,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III49 (2014), 25-36.
A. Filipin, Y. Fujita and A. Togbe, The extendibility of diophantine pairs II: Examples,
J. Number Theory145 (2014), 604-631.
C. A. Gomez Ruiz and F. Luca,
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Indag. Math.25 (2014), 579-587.
E. Gonzalez-Jimenez, Markoff-Rosenberger triples in geometric progression,
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L. Hajdu, A. Pinter, S. Tengely and N. Varga, Equal values of figurate numbers,
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N. Irmak and L. Szalay, Diophantine triples and reduced quadruples with the Lucas sequence of recurrence
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F. Izadi, F. Khoshnam, D. Moody and A. S. Zargar,
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Lj. Jukic Matic, On D(w)-quadruples in the rings of integers of certain pure number fields,
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D. Kim and Y. K. Park, Certain combinatorial convolution sums involving divisor functions product formula,
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F. Luca, N. Saradha and T. N. Shorey,
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A. Srinivasan, On the prime divisors of elements of a D(-1) quadruple,
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M.-E. Wu, C.-M. Chen, Y.-H. Lin and H.-M. Sun, On the improvement of Wiener attack on RSA with small private exponent,
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W. Wu and B. He, On Diophantine quintuple conjecture,
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J. J. Bravo and F. Luca, Repdigits as sums of two k-Fibonacci numbers,
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P. Bruin and F. Najman, Hyperelliptic modular curves X0(n)
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M. Cipu, Further remarks on Diophantine quintuples,
Acta Arith.168 (2015), 201-219.
M. Cipu and Y. Fujita, Bounds for Diophantine quintuples,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III50 (2015), 25-34.
R. Dietmann and C. Elsholtz, Hilbert cubes in arithmetic sets,
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E. G. Goedhart and H. G. Grundman, Diophantine approximation and the equation
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C. A. Gomez Ruiz and F. Luca, Tribonacci Diophantine quadruples,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III50 (2015), 17-24.
C. A. Gomez Ruiz and F. Luca, Diophantine quadruples in the sequence of shifted Tribonacci numbers,
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C. A. Gomez Ruiz abn F. Luca, Multiplicatively dependent triples of Tribonacci numbers,
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B. He, Á. Pintér and A. Togbé, On simultaneous Pell equations and related Thue equations,
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N. Hirata-Kohno and F. Luca, On the Diophantine equation
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F. Izadi and K. Nabardi, A family of elliptic curves with rank ≥ 5,
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B. Jadrijevic, On elements with index of the form 2a3b
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A. S. Janfada and S. Salami, On θ-congruent numbers on real quadratic number fields,
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D. Kreso, On common values of lacunary polynomials at integer points,
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M. Mikic, On the Mordell-Weil group of elliptic curves induced by families of Diophantine triples,
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L. Reinholz, B. K. Spearman and Q. Yang, On the prime factors of non-congruent numbers,
Colloq. Math.138 (2015), 271-282.
A. Srinivasan, D(-1)-quadruples and products of two primes,
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L. Szalay and V. Ziegler, S-Diophantine quadruples with S={2, q},
Int. J. Number Theory11 (2015), 849-868.
T. Trudgian, Bounds on the number of Diophantine quintuples,
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M. P. Young, The number of solutions to Mordell's equation in constrained ranges,
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A. Bayad, A. Filipin and A. Togbé, Extension of a parametric family of Diophantine triples in Gaussian integers,
Acta Math. Hungar.148 (2016), 312-327.
A. Berczes, F. Luca, I. Pink and V. Ziegler, Finiteness results for Diophantine triples with repdigit values,
Acta Arith.172 (2016), 133-148.
V. Beresnevich, V. Bernik and F. Götze, Friedrich Integral polynomials with small discriminants and resultants,
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M. Bliznac and A. Filipin, An upper bound for the number of Diophantine quintuples,
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J. J. Bravo and C. A. Gómez, Mersenne k-Fibonacci numbers,
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N. Brody and J. Schettler, Rational hyperbolic triangles and a quartic model of elliptic curves,
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P. Bruin and F. Najman, The growth of the rank of Abelian varieties upon extensions,
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Y. Bugeaud, On a theorem of Wirsing in Diophantine approximation,
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M. Cipu, A. Filipin and Y. Fujita, Bounds for Diophantine quintuples II,
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M. Cipu and T. Trudgian, Searching for Diophantine quintuples,
Acta Arith.173 (2016), 365-382.
A. Dossavi-Yovo, F. Luca and A. Togbé, On the x-coordinates of Pell equations which are rep-digits,
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A. Dubickas and D. Kreso, Diophantine equations with truncated binomial polynomials,
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A. W. Dudek, On the number of divisors of n2-1,
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X. G. Guan, The Diophantine equation X2-(a2+1)Y4=3-4a,
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L. Hajdu, S. Laishram and S. Tengely, Power values of sums of products of consecutive integers,
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B. He, F. Luca and A. Togbé, Diophantine triples of Fibonacci numbers,
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H. Heer, G. McGuire and O. Robinson, JKL-ECM: an implementation of ECM using Hessian curves,
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N. Irmak and L. Szalay, Tribonacci numbers close to the sum 2a+3b+5c,
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Á. Pintér and Cs. Rakaczki, On the decomposability of linear combinations of Bernoulli polynomials,
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D. Platt and T. S. Trudgian, Diophantine quintuples containing triples of the first kind,
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I. Soldo, D(-1)-triples of the form {1, b, c} in the ring
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N. Adzaga and A. Filipin, On the extension of D(-8k2)-pair
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M. Alaa and M. Sadek, High rank quadratic twists of pairs of elliptic curves,
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F. Bencherif, N. Benyahia-Tani, S. Bouroubi, O. Kihel and Z. Yahi,
Integer partitions into Diophantine pairs, Quaest. Math.40 (2017), 435-442.
J. Bravo, B. Faye and F. Luca, Powers of two as sums of three Pell numbers,
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J. J. Bravo, F. Luca and K. Yazán, On Pillai's problem with Tribonacci numbers and powers of 2,
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P. Bruin and F. Najman, Fields of definition of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion,
Acta Arith. 181 (2017), 85-95.
S. Bujacic, A variation of a congruence of Subbarao for n=2α5&beta,
Period. Math. Hungar.75 (2017), 66-79.
K. C. Chim, I. Pink and V. Ziegler, On a variant of Pillai's problem,
Int. J. Number Theory13 (2017), 1711-1727.
H. B. Daniels and H. Goodwillie, On the ranks of elliptic curves with isogenies,
Int. J. Number Theory13 (2017), 2215-2227.
M. Ddamulira, F. Luca and M. Rakotomalala, On a problem of Pillai with Fibonacci numbers and powers of 2,
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci.127 (2017), 411-421.
T. Fisher, Higher descents on an elliptic curve with a rational 2-torsion point,
Math. Comp.86 (2017), 2493-2518.
Y. Fujita and F. Luca, On Diophantine quadruples of Fibonacci numbers,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III52 (2017), 221-234.
F. Götze, D. Kaliada and D. Zaporozhets, Distribution of complex algebraic numbers,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.145 (2017), 61-71.
F. Izadi, F. Khoshnam, A. J. MacLeod and A. S. Zargar, On parametric spaces of bicentric quadrilaterals,
Math. Slovaca67 (2017), 611-622.
F. Izadi, F. Khoshnam, and D. Moody, Heron quadrilaterals via elliptic curves,
Rocky Mountain J. Math.47 (2017), 1227-1258.
B. Kafle, F. Luca and A. Togbé, On the x-coordinates of Pell equations which are Fibonacci numbers II,
Colloq. Math.149 (2017), 75-85.
D. Kreso, Diophantine equations in separated variables and lacunary polynomials,
Int. J. Number Theory13 (2017), 2055-2074.
F. Luca, A. Montejano, L. Szalay and A. Togbé, On the X-coordinates of
Pell equations which are Tribonacci numbers, Acta Arith.179 (2017), 25-35.
F. Luca and A. O. Munagi, Diophantine triples with values in the sequences of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III52 (2017), 23-43.
F. Najman, Tamagawa numbers of elliptic curves with C13 torsion over quadratic fields,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.145 (2017), 3747-3753.
S. Tengely and M. Ulas, On certain Diophantine equations of the form
J. Number Theory174 (2017), 239-257.
A. Bazso, A. Berczes, L. Hajdu and F. Luca, Polynomial values of sums of products of consecutive integers,
Monatsh. Math.187 (2018), 21-34.
M. Bliznac Trebjesanin, A. Filipin and A. Jurasic,
On the polynomial quadruples with the property D(-1;1),
Tokyo J. Math.41 (2018), 527-540.
E. F. Bravo, C. A. Gomez Ruiz and F. Luca, X-coordinates of Pell equations as sums of two tribonacci numbers,
Period. Math. Hungar.77 (2018), 175-190.
J. J. Bravo, C. A. Gomez and F. Luca, A Diophantine equation in k-Fibonacci numbers and repdigits,
Colloq. Math.152 (2018), 299-315.
P. Bruin and A. Ferraguti, On L-functions of quadratic Q-curves,
Math. Comp.87 (2018), 459-499.
M. Cipu, Y. Fujita and M. Mignotte,
Two-parameter families of uniquely extendable Diophantine triples, Sci. China Math.61 (2018), 421-438.
M. Cipu, Y. Fujita and T. Miyazaki, On the number of extensions of a Diophantine triple,
Int. J. Number Theory14 (2018), 899-917.
M. Ddamulira, C. A. Gomez and F. Luca,
On a problem of Pillai with k-generalized Fibonacci numbers and powers of 2,
Monatsh. Math.187 (2018), 635-664.
J. R. Doyle, Preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials with small cycles over quadratic fields,
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Z. Franusic and B. Jadrijevic,
Computing relative power integral bases in a family of quartic extensions of imaginary quadratic fields,
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C. Fuchs, C. Hutle and F. Luca, Diophantine triples in linear recurrences of Pisot type,
Res. Number Theory4 (2018), no. 3, Art. 29, 22 pp.
C. Fuchs, C. Hutle, F. Luca and L. Szalay,
Diophantine triples and k-generalized Fibonacci sequences,
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.41 (2018), 1449-1465.
Y. Fujita and T. Miyazaki,
The regularity of Diophantine quadruples, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.370 (2018), 3803-3831.
Y. Fujita and F. Luca, There are no Diophantine quadruples of Fibonacci numbers,
Acta Arith.185 (2018), 19-38.
C. A. Gomez Ruiz and F. Luca, Diophantine quadruples with values in k-generalized Fibonacci numbers,
Math. Slovaca68 (2018), 939-949.
J. Harrington and L. Jones, A modification of a problem of Diophantus,
Math. Slovaca68 (2018), 1343-1352.
B. He, A. Pinter, A. Togbe and S. Yang, Another generalization of a theorem of Baker and Davenport,
J. Number Theory182 (2018), 325-343.
T. Kovacs and Zs. Rabai, Equal values of pyramidal numbers,
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D. Kreso and R. F. Tichy, Diophantine equations in separated variables,
Period. Math. Hungar.76 (2018), 47-67.
J. B. Lee and J. Park,
Some conditions on the form of third element from Diophantine pairs and its application,
J. Korean Math. Soc.55 (2018), 425-445.
J. Los, T. Mepschen and J. Top, Rational Poncelet,
Int. J. Number Theory14 (2018), 2641-2655.
F. Luca and A. Togbe, On the x-coordinates of Pell equations which are Fibonacci numbers,
Math. Scand.122 (2018), 18-30.
N. Murru and F. M. Saettone,
A novel RSA-like cryptosystem based on a generalization of the Redei rational functions,
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T. Ooto, On Diophantine exponents for Laurent series over a finite field,
J. Number Theory185 (2018), 349-378.
F. Pakovich and A. K. Zvonkin, Davenport-Zannier polynomials over Q,
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M. Sadek and N. El-Sissi, On large F-Diophantine sets,
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M. Sadek and F. Shahata, On rational triangles via algebraic curves,
Rocky Mountain J. Math.48 (2018), 325-343.
N. K. Sarma and A. Saikia, Torsion of elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields of class number 1,
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J. Schleischitz, Cubic approximation to Sturmian continued fractions,
J. Number Theory184 (2018), 270-299.
Sz. Tengely, Integral points and arithmetic progressions on Huff curves,
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R. Becker and M. Ram Murty, Diophantine m-tuples with the property D(n),
Glas. Mat. Ser. III54 (2019), 65-75.
D. Bednarik, G. Freitas, D. Marques and P. Trojovsky,
On the sum of squares of consecutive k-bonacci numbers which are l-bonacci numbers,
Colloq. Math.156 (2019), 153-164.
M. Bliznac Trebjesanin and A. Filipin, Nonexistence of D(4)-quintuples,
J. Number Theory194 (2019), 170-217.
J. J. Bravo, C. A. Gomez and J. L. Herrera, On the intersection of k-Fibonacci and Pell numbers,
Bull. Korean Math. Soc.56 (2019), 535-547.
M. Ddamulira, On the problem of Pillai with Padovan numbers and powers of 3,
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B. Demirtürk Bitim, On the Diophantine equation
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B. Demirtürk Bitim and R. Keskin, On solutions of the diophantine equation
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M. Derickx and F. Najman, Torsion of elliptic curves over cyclic cubic fields,
Math. Comp.88 (2019), 2443-2459.
E. D. Driver and J. W. Jones, Computing septic number fields,
J. Number Theory202 (2019), 426-429.
F. Erduvan and R. Keskin, Nonnegative integer solutions of the equation
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A. Filipin and A. Jurasic, A polynomial variant of a problem of Diophantus and its consequences,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III54 (2019), 21-52.
Z. Franusic and B. Jadrijevic, D(n)-quadruples in the ring of integers of
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C. Fuchs, K. Karolus and D. Kreso,
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E. Goins, The ubiquity of elliptic curves,
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B. He, J. Odjoumani and A. Togbé, On a class of quartic Thue equations with three parameters,
J. Number Theory202 (2019), 347-387.
B. He, A. Togbé and V. Ziegler, There is no Diophantine quintuple,
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K. Jeong, Infinitely many elliptic curves of rank exactly two II,
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M. Jukic Bokun and I. Soldo, On the extensibility of D(-1)-pairs containing Fermat primes,
Acta Math. Hungar.159 (2019), 89-108.
B. Kafle, F. Luca, A. Montejano, L. Szalay and A. Togbé,
On the X-coordinates of Pell equations which are products of two Fibonacci numbers,
J. Number Theory203 (2019), 310-333.
B. Kafle, F. Luca and A. Togbé, x-coordinates of Pell equations which are tribonacci numbers II,
Period. Math. Hungar.79 (2019), 157-167.
M. Kazalicki, Congruences for sporadic sequences and modular forms for non-congruence subgroups,
Res. Math. Sci.6 (2019), no. 3, Paper No. 28, 9 pp.
P. Koiran, Root separation for trinomials,
J. Symbolic Comput.95 (2019), 151-161.
F. Luca, B. V. Normenyo and A. Togbé, Repdigits as sums of three Lucas numbers,
Colloq. Math.156 (2019), 255-265.
D. Moody, M. Sadek and A. S. Zargar, Families of elliptic curves of rank ≥ 5 over Q(t),
Rocky Mountain J. Math.49 (2019), 2253-2266.
M. Mumtaz and L. Ping, Forty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem: A brief survey,
J. Discrete Math. Sci. Cryptogr.22 (2019), 9-29.
S. E. Rihane, B. Faye, F. Luca and A. Togbé, On the exponential Diophantine equation
Turkish J. Math.43 (2019), 1640-1649.
S. E. Rihane, M. O. Hernane and A. Togbé, The X-coordinates of Pell equations and Padovan numbers,
Turkish J. Math.43 (2019), 207-223.
S. E. Rihane, M. O. Hernane and A. Togb´, On Diophantine triples of Pell numbers,
Colloq. Math.156 (2019), 273-285.
C. A. Ruiz and F. Luca, On the zero-multiplicity of a fifth-order linear recurrence,
Int. J. Number Theory15 (2019), 585-595.
M. Sha, Effective results on the Skolem problem for linear recurrence sequences,
J. Number Theory197 (2019), 228-249.
M. Stoll, Diagonal genus 5 curves, elliptic curves over Q(t), and rational Diophantine quintuples,
Acta Arith.190 (2019), 239-261.
W. Susilo, J. Tonien and G. Yang, The Wiener attack on RSA revisited: A quest for the exact bound,
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Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.11547 (2019), 381-398.
M. Szikszai and V. Ziegler, On arithmetic progressions in Lucas sequences-II,
J. Number Theory201 (2019), 354-376.
V. Ziegler, On the existence of S-Diophantine quadruples,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III54 (2019), 279-319.
A. Alahmadi, A. Altassan, F. Luca and H. Shoaib, Products of k-Fibonacci numbers which are rep-digits,
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A. Altassan and F. Luca,
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H. M. Bahig, D. I. Nassr, A. Bhery and A. Nitaj,
A unified method for private exponent attacks on RSA using lattices,
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A. Bazsó, A. Bérczes, O. Kolouch, I. Pink and J. Sustek,
Diophantine equations connected to the Komornik polynomials, Glas. Mat. Ser. III55 (2020), 13-27.
M. A. Bennett, B. Garbuz and A. Marten, Goormaghtigh's equation: small parameters,
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Yu. Bilu, C. A. Gomez, J. C. Gomez and F. Luca,
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E. F. Bravo, C. A. Gomez, B. Kafle, F. Luca and A. Togbé,
On a conjecture concerning the multiplicity of the Tribonacci sequence,
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E. F. Bravo, C. A. Gomez and F. Luca, Total multiplicity of the Tribonacci sequence,
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J. J. Bravo and J. L. Herrera, Fibonacci numbers in generalized Pell sequences,
Math. Slovaca70 (2020), 1057-1068.
M. Cipu, A. Filipin and Y. Fujita, An infinite two-parameter family of Diophantine triples,
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M. Ddamulira, Repdigits as sums of three balancing numbers,
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M. Ddamulira, Tribonacci numbers that are concatenations of two repdigits,
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M. Ddamulira and F. Luca, On the x-coordinates of Pell equations which are k-generalized Fibonacci numbers,
J. Number Theory207 (2020), 156-195.
M. Ddamulira and F. Luca, On the problem of Pillai with k-generalized Fibonacci numbers and powers of 3,
Int. J. Number Theory16 (2020), 1643-1666.
M. Ddamulira and F. Luca, The x-coordinates of Pell equations and sums of two Fibonacci numbers II,
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A. Dubickas, On the distance between two algebraic numbers,
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A. Dubickas, Root separation for polynomials with reducible derivative,
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B. Earp-Lynch, S. Earp-Lynch and O. Kihel, On certain D(9) and D(64) Diophantine triples,
Acta Math. Hungar.162 (2020), 483-517.
H. Erazo, C. A. Gomez and F. Luca, Linear combinations of prime powers in X-coordinates of Pell equations,
Ramanujan J.53 (2020), 123-137.
F. Erduvan and R. Keskin, Repdigits as products of two Fibonacci or Lucas numbers,
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci.130 (2020), Paper No. 28, 14 pp.
J. Garcia, C. A. Gomez and F. Luca, On the zero-multiplicity of the k-generalized Fibonacci sequence,
J. Difference Equ. Appl.26 (2020), 1564-1578.
C. A. Gomez and F. Luca, Zeckendorf representations with at most two terms to x-coordinates of Pell equations,
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C. A. Gomez, F. Luca and F. S. Zottor, On X-coordinates of Pell equations which are repdigits,
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A. M. Guloglu and M. Ram Murty, The Paley graph conjecture and Diophantine m-tuples,
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L. Hajdu and N. Varga, Polynomial values of figurate numbers,
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S. Ismail,
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S. Laishram, F. Luca and M. Sias, On members of Lucas sequences which are products of factorials,
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S. Le Fourn and F. Najman, Torsion of Q-curves over quadratic fields,
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K. Liptai, L. Nemeth, G. Soydan and L. Szalay, Resolution of the equation
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J. Qu and J. Zeng, Pell and Pell-Lucas Numbers of the form
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Z. Siar and R. Keskin, On the Diophantine equation
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A. Trbovic, Torsion groups of elliptic curves over quadratic fields Q(√d), 0 < d < 100,
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D. Ye, Revisiting the average number of divisors of a quadratic polynomial,
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A. S. Zargar, On the rank of elliptic curves arising from Pythagorean quadruplets,
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K. N. Adedji, B. He, A. Pinter and A. Togbe, On the Diophantine pair {a,3a},
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N. Adzaga, On the size of Diophantine m-tuples in imaginary quadratic number rings,
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A. Alahmadi, A. Altassan, F. Luca and H. Shoaib, Fibonacci numbers which are concatenations of two repdigits,
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A. Alahmadi, A. Altassan, F. Luca and H. Shoaib, k-generalized Fibonacci numbers which are concatenations of two repdigits,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III56 (2021), 29-46.
M. Bliznac Trebjesanin, Extension of a Diophantine triple with the property D(4),
Acta Math. Hungar.163 (2021), 213-246.
E. F. Bravo and J. J. Bravo, Tribonacci numbers with two blocks of repdigits,
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J. J. Bravo, M. Diaz and C. A. Gomez, Pillai's problem with k-Fibonacci and Pell numbers,
J. Difference Equ. Appl.27 (2021), 1434-1455.
J. J. Bravo, C. A. Gomez and J. L. Herrera, k-Fibonacci numbers close to a power of 2,
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J. J. Bravo, J. L. Herrera and F. Luca, Common values of generalized Fibonacci and Pell sequences,
J. Number Theory226 (2021), 51-71.
M. Ddamulira, Padovan numbers that are concatenations of two distinct repdigits,
Math. Slovaca71 (2021), 275-284.
M. Ddamulira and F. Luca, On the exponential Diophantine equation related to powers of two consecutive terms of Lucas sequences,
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H. S. Erazo and C. A. Gomez, An exponential Diophantine equation related to the sum of powers
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Period. Math. Hungar.83 (2021), 165-184.
H. S. Erazo, C. A. Gomez and F. Luca, On Pillai's problem with X-coordinates of Pell equations and powers of 2 II,
Int. J. Number Theory17 (2021), 2251-2277.
F. Erduvan and R. Keskin, Lucas numbers which are concatenations of three repdigits,
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F. Erduvan, R. Keskin and Z. Siar, Repdigits base b as products of two Lucas numbers,
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C. Fuchs and S. Heintze, S-unit variant of Diophantine tuples,
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C. Fuchs and S. Heintze, Diophantine equations in separated variables and polynomial power sums,
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Y. Fujita and M. Le, Uniqueness of solutions to simultaneous Pell equations,
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S. D. Galbraith, Small superset and big subset obfuscation,
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C. A. Gomez, J. C. Gomez and F. Luca, Two b-repunits in the Fibonacci sequence,
J. Number Theory222 (2021), 393-422.
A. Gueye, S. E. Rihane and A. Togbe, An exponential equation involving k-Fibonacci numbers,
Turkish J. Math.45 (2021), 2664-2677.
S. Gupta, D(−1) tuples in imaginary quadratic fields,
Acta Math. Hungar.164 (2021), 556-569.
M. Jukic Bokun and I. Soldo, Pellian equations of special type,
Math. Slovaca71 (2021), 1599-1607.
S. Kebli, O. Kihel, J. Larone and F. Luca, On the nonnegative integer solutions to the equation
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J. Number Theory220 (2021), 107-127.
J. Laflamme and M. Lalin, On Ceva points of (almost) equilateral triangles,
J. Number Theory222 (2021), 48-74.
F. Luca, A. Petho and L. Szalay, Duplications in the k-generalized Fibonacci sequences,
New York J. Math.27 (2021), 1115-1133.
N. Mani and S. Rubinstein-Salzedo, Diophantine tuples over Zp,
Acta Arith.197 (2021), 331-351.
S. D. Miller, B. Narayanan and R. Venkatesan, Coppersmith's lattices and "focus groups'': an attack on small-exponent RSA,
J. Number Theory222 (2021), 376-392.
B. K. Patel and A. P. Chaves, On the exponential Diophantine equation
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B. K. Patel and W. C. Teh, An exponential Diophantine equation related to powers of three consecutive Fibonacci numbers,
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Z. Siar, R. Keskin and F. Erduvan, Fibonacci or Lucas numbers which are products of two repdigits in base b,
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.)52 (2021), 1025-1040.
S. Salami and A. S. Zargar, The θ-congruent number elliptic curves via Fermat-type algorithms,
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W. Susilo, J. Tonien and G. Yang, Divide and capture: An improved cryptanalysis of the encryption
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K. N. Adedji, A. Filipin and A. Togbe, The extension of the D(−k)-triple {1, k, k+1} to a quadruple,
Acta Math. Hungar.166 (2022), 407-422.
K. N. Adedji, F. Luca and A. Togbe, On the solutions of the Diophantine equation
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J. Number Theory240 (2022), 593-610.
N. Adzaga, A. Filipin and Z. Franusic, On the extensions of the Diophantine triples in Gaussian integers,
Monatsh. Math.197 (2022), 535-563.
N. Adzaga, A. Filipin and Y. Fujita, The extension of the D(-k)-pair {k,k+1} to a quadruple,
Period. Math. Hungar.85 (2022), 148-163.
M. Alan, On concatenations of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,
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T. Blum, C. Choi, A. Hoey, J. Iskander, K. Lakein and T. C. Martinez,
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N. C. Bonciocat, M. Cipu and M. Mignotte, There is no Diophantine D(−1)-quadruple,
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2)105 (2022), 63-99.
E. F. Bravo, J. J: Bravo and F. Luca, On the multiplicities of Padovan-type sequences,
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.)53 (2022), 1519-1549.
D. Chakraborty, V. Ghale and A. Saikia, Construction of an infinite family of elliptic curves of 2-Selmer rank 1 from Heron triangles,
Res. Number Theory8 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 101, 9 pp.
A. B. Dixit, S. Kim and M. Ram Murty, Generalized Diophantine m-tuples,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.150 (2022), 1455-1465.
G. Drazic, Rational D(q)-quintuples,
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM116 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 9.
G. Drazic and M. Kazalicki, Rational D(q)-quadruples,
Indag. Math. (N.S.)33 (2022), 440-449.
B. Edjeou, B. Faye, C. A. Gomez and F. Luca, On Y-coordinates of Pell equations which are Lucas numbers,
Ramanujan J.59 (2022), 1091-1136.
A. Filipin, M. Jukic Bokun and I. Soldo, On D(-1)-triples {1,4p2+1,1-p}
in the ring Z[√-p] with a prime p, Period. Math. Hungar.85 (2022), 292-302.
A. Filipin and A. Jurasic, On the existence of D(-3)-quadruples over Z,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III57(77) (2022), 203-219.
Y. Fujita and I. Soldo, D(−1)-tuples in the ring Z[√-k] with k > 0,
Publ. Math. Debrecen100 (2022), 49-67.
J. Garcia and C. A. Gomez, On a variant of Pillai problem: integers as difference between generalized Pell numbers and perfect powers,
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM116 (2022), no. 3, Paper No. 103.
C. A. Gomez, J. C. Gomez and F. Luca, On the exponential Diophantine equation
=Fym, Taiwanese J. Math.26 (2022), 685-712.
A. Gueye, S. E. Rihane and A. Togbe, Coincidence between k-Fibonacci numbers and products of two Fermat numbers,
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.)53 (2022), 541-552.
A. N. W. Hone, Heron triangles with two rational medians and Somos-5 sequences,
Eur. J. Math.8 (2022), 1424-1486.
A. Juyal and D. Moody, Pairs of Heron and right triangles with a common area and a common perimeter,
Publ. Math. Debrecen100 (2022), 449-460.
A. Juyal, D. Moody and B. Roy, On ranks of quadratic twists of a Mordell curve,
Ramanujan J.59 (2022), 31-50.
M. Kazalicki and B. Naskrecki (with an appendix by L. Lasic), Diophantine triples and K3 surfaces,
J. Number Theory236 (2022), 41-70.
A. Kreutz, D. Marques and P. Trojovsky, On Fibonacci numbers as sum of powers of two consecutive tribonacci numbers,
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM116 (2022), no. 3, Paper No. 119.
F. Luca, E. Tchammou and A. Togbe, On an exponential Diophantine equation involving powers of consecutive terms
of the Padovan sequence, Publ. Math. Debrecen101 (2022), 451-475.
F. Morain, Modular curves over number fields and ECM,
Res. Number Theory8 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 97, 17 pp.
N. G. Moshchevitin, On the distribution of nonprimitive lattice points in the plane,
Canad. Math. Bull.65 (2022), 198-207.
F. Najman and A. Trbovic, Splitting of primes in number fields generated by points on some modular curves,
Res. Number Theory8 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 28.
D. I. Nassr, M. Anwar and H. M. Bahig, Improving small private exponent attack on the Murru-Saettone cryptosystem,
Theoret. Comput. Sci.923 (2022), 222-234.
A. Pinter and Cs. Rakaczki, Indecomposability of linear combinations of Bernoulli polynomials,
Publ. Math. Debrecen100 (2022), 487-494.
S. E. Rihane, k-Pell numbers as product of two repdigits,
Mediterr. J. Math.19 (2022), Paper No. 61.
S. E. Rihane, F. Luca and A. Togbé, There are no Diophantine quadruples of Pell numbers,
Int. J. Number Theory18 (2022), no. 1, 27-45.
S. E. Rihane and A. Togbé, On the intersection of k-Lucas sequences and some binary sequences,
Period. Math. Hungar.84 (2022), 125-145.
M. Sadek and T. Yesin, Divisibility by 2 on quartic models of elliptic curves and rational Diophantine D(q)-quintuples,
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM116 (2022), no. 3, Paper No. 139.
Z. Siar and R. Keskin, k-generalized Pell numbers which are concatenation of two repdigits,
Mediterr. J. Math.19 (2022), Paper No. 180.
Z. Siar and R. Keskin, k-generalized Pell numbers which are repdigits in base b,
Turkish J. Math.46 (2022), 3083-3094.
K. N. Adedji, M. Bliznac Trebjesanin, A. Filipin and A. Togbe,
On the D(4)-pairs {a,ka} with k ∈ {2,3,6},
Glas. Mat. Ser. III58 (2023), 35-57.
K. N. Adedji, V. Dossou-yovo, S. E. Rihane and A. Togbe,
Padovan or Perrin numbers that are concatenations of two distinct base b repdigits,
Math. Slovaca73 (2023), 49-64.
K. N. Adedji, F. Luca and A. Togbe, On the solutions of the Diophantine equation
Pn ± a(10m−1)/9 = k!,
Eur. J. Math.9 (2023), Paper No. 34, 19 pp.
M. Bliznac Trebjesanin, D(4)-triples with two largest elements in common,
Math. Slovaca73 (2023), 343-352.
E. F. Bravo, Common values of Padovan and Perrin sequences,
Mediterr. J. Math.20 (2023), no. 5, Paper No. 268, 19 pp.
K. Chakraborty, S. Gupta and A. Hoque, On a conjecture of Franusic and Jadrijevic: counter-examples,
Results Math.78 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 18, 14 pp.
K. Chakraborty, S. Gupta and A. Hoque, Diophantine triples with the property D(n) for distinct n's,
Mediterr. J. Math.20 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 31, 13 pp.
A. Choudhry and A. Shamsi Zargar, An octic diophantine equation and related families of elliptic curves,
Int. J. Number Theory19 (2023), 1967-1976
F. Erduvan, On concatenations of two Padovan and Perrin numbers,
Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.49 (2023), no. 5, Paper No. 62, 16 pp.
B. Faye and B. Edjeou, On the problem of Pillai with Pell numbers, Pell-Lucas numbers and powers of 3,
Int. J. Number Theory19 (2023), 71-92.
M. N. Faye, S. E. Rihane and A. Togbé, On repdigits which are sums or differences of
two k-Pell numbers, Math. Slovaca73 (2023), 1409-1422.
C. Fuchs and S. Heintze, A polynomial variant of diophantine triples in linear recurrences,
Period. Math. Hungar.86 (2023), 289-299.
Y. Fujita and M. Le, Uniqueness conjecture on simultaneous Pell equations,
Acta Arith.207 (2023), 279-296.
Y. Fujita and I. Soldo, The non-existence of D(−1)-quadruples extending certain pairs in imaginary quadratic rings,
Acta Math. Hungar.170 (2023), 455-482.
V. Ghale, S. Das and D. Chakraborty, A Heron triangle and a Diophantine equation,
Period. Math. Hungar.86 (2023), 530-537.
C. A. Gomez, J. C. Gomez and F. Luca, On a variant of an identity relating cubes of three consecutive Fibonacci numbers,
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.46 (2023), no. 2, Paper No. 47, 31 pp.
B. Grechuk, T. Grechuk and A. Wilcox, Diophantine equations with three monomials,
J. Number Theory253 (2023), 69-108.
T. Hammonds, S. Kim, S. J. Miller, A. Nigam, K. Onghai, D. Saikia and L. M. Sharma,
k-Diophantine m-tuples in finite fields,
Int. J. Number Theory19 (2023), 891-912.
L. Hajdu, R. Tijdeman and N. Varga, Diophantine equations for Littlewood polynomials,
Acta Arith.210 (2023), 223-234.
T. Huang, M. Lalin and O. Mila, Spherical Heron triangles and elliptic curves,
J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux35 (2023), 219-246.
N. Irmak, A generalization of the equation (2k−1)(3l−1)=5m−1,
Quaest. Math.46 (2023), 2563-2575.
M. Kazalicki and D. Vlah, Ranks of elliptic curves and deep neural networks,
Res. Number Theory9 (2023), no. 3, Paper No. 53.
M. Le and A. Srinivasan, A note on Dujella's unicity conjecture,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III58 (2023), 59-65.
N. K. Meher and S. S. Rout, Cullen numbers in sums of terms of recurrence sequence,
Results Math.78 (2023), Paper No. 102, 14 pp.
J. Park, Complete solution of Diophantine pairs induced by some Fibonacci formula,
Algebra Colloq.30 (2023), 121-132.
T. Pejkovic, Schneider's p-adic continued fractions,
Acta Math. Hungar.169 (2023), 191-215.
I. E. Shparlinski, On the number of Diophantine m-tuples in finite fields,
Finite Fields Appl.90 (2023), Paper No. 102241.
S. Salami, A. Shamsi Zargar, Rational θ-parallelogram envelopes via θ-congruent elliptic curves,
Int. J. Number Theory19 (2023), 1681-1706.
Z. Siar, On the exponential Diophantine equation
Fnx ± Fmx = a with
a ∈ {Fr,Lr},
Int. J. Number Theory19 (2023), no. 1, 41–57.
I. Vukusic, On a cubic family of Thue equations involving Fibonacci numbers and powers of two,
Quaest. Math.46 (2023), 1-21.
K. N. Adedji, V. Dossou-yovo, S. E. Rihane and A. Togbé, Alain, On b-repdigits
as product of consecutive of Lucas members, Quaest. Math.47 (2024), 201-217.
K. N. Adedji, M. N. Faye and A. Togbé, On the Diophantine equations
and Qn=bdPm+Pk
involving Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers,
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci.134 (2024), no. 1, Paper No. 14, 25 pp.
A. Altassan and M. Alan, Fibonacci numbers as mixed concatenations of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,
Math. Slovaca74 (2024), 563-576.
P. Bajpai and M. A. Bennett, Effective S-unit equations beyond three terms: Newman's conjecture,
Acta Arith.214 (2024), 421-458.
S. Bhattacharjee, A. B. Saunak and D. Saikia, Dishant,
An effective bound for generalised Diophantine m-tuples,
Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.109 (2024), 242-253.
M. Bliznac Trebjesanin and S. Bujacic Babic, Polynomial D(4)-quadruples over Gaussian integers,
Glas. Mat. Ser. III59 (2024), 1-31.
D. Bradac, M. Christoph and L. Gishboliner, Minimum degree threshold for H-factors with high discrepancy, Electron. J. Combin.31 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 3.33, 82 pp.
E. F. Bravo and F. Luca, Padovan squares which are again Padovan,
Publ. Math. Debrecen104 (2024), 423-441.
M. Cipu and Y. Fujita, On the length of D(±1)-tuples in imaginary quadratic rings,
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 56 (2024), 274-287.
M. Cipu, Y. Fujita and M. Mignotte, Diophantine triples with three parameters,
Res. Number Theory10 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 44, 23 pp.
M. Ddamulira, P. Emong and G. I. Mirumbe, Palindromic concatenations of two distinct repdigits in
Narayana's cows sequence, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.50 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 35, 16 pp.
M. Ddamulira and F. Luca, On the x-coordinates of Pell equations that are products of two Pell numbers,
Math. Slovaca74 (2024), 41-56.
J. R. Doyle and D. Krumm, Quadratic points on dynamical modular curves,
Res. Number Theory10 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 59.
A. Fan, H. Queffelec, and M. Queffelec, The Furstenberg set and its random version,
Enseign. Math.70 (2024), 61-120.
B. Faye, J. Garcia and C. A. Gomez, k-generalized Lucas numbers, perfect powers and the problem of Pillai, Monatsh. Math. 204 (2024), 839-885.
Z. Franusic and A. Jurasic, On nonexistence of D(n)-quadruples,
Math. Slovaca74 (2024), 835-844.
Y. Fujita and M. Le, A note on the Goormaghtigh equation concerning difference sets,
Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.109 (2024), 443-452.
Y. Fujita and M. Le, Uniqueness conjecture on simultaneous Pell equations. II,
Publ. Math. Debrecen104 (2024), 499-522.
C. A. Gomez, J. C. Gomez and F. Luca, The complete solution of the Diophantine equation
- (Fn−1(k))x
Mediterr. J. Math.21 (2024), no. 1, 13.
C. A. Gomez, J. C. Gomez and F. Luca, A Diophantine equation with powers of three consecutive
k-Fibonacci numbers, Results Math.79 (2024), no. 4, Paper No. 136, 21 pp.
C. A. Gomez, S. E. Rihane and A. Togbé, On the X-coordinates of Pell equations
X2−dY2=±1 as difference of two Fibonacci numbers,
Int. J. Number Theory20 (2024), 487-506.
M. Guney Duman, Padovan numbers that are concatenations of a Padovan number and a Perrin number,
Period. Math. Hungar.89 (2024), 139-154.
M. Jukic Bokun and I. Soldo, Extensions of D(−1)-pairs in some imaginary quadratic fields,
New York J. Math. 30 (2024), 745-755.
S. Kim, C. H. Yip and S. Yoo, Explicit constructions of Diophantine tuples over finite fields,
Ramanujan J.65 (2024), 163-172.
K. Matsuda, Torsion points of elliptic curves over multi-quadratic number fields,
J. Number Theory262 (2024), 28-43.
M. Mignotte and P. Voutier, A kit for linear forms in three logarithms. With an appendix by Michel Laurent,
Math. Comp.93 (2024), 1903-1951.
S. Nansoko, E. Tchammou and A. Togbé, Balancing numbers as sum of same power of consecutive balancing
numbers, Vietnam J. Math.52 (2024), 75-88.
Á. Pintér and Cs. Rakaczki, Indecomposability of mixed linear combinations of Bernoulli
and Euler polynomials, Publ. Math. Debrecen104 (2024), 159-170.
A. Abrams, Z. Landau, J. Pommersheim, N. Srivastava, On eigenvalue gaps of integer matrices,
Math. Comp.94 (2025), 853-862.
K. N. Adedji, A. Filipin, S. E. Rihane and A. Togbe, Pell or Pell–Lucas numbers as concatenations
of two repdigits in base b, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM119 (2025), no. 1, Paper No. 15.
B. S. Banwait, M. Derickx, Torsion subgroups of elliptic curves over quadratic fields and a conjecture of Granville,
Res. Number Theory11 (2025), Paper No. 12.
V. Kovac, On eventually greedy best underapproximations by Egyptian fractions,
J. Number Theory268 (2025), 39-48.
Papers and preprints - complete list of the authors